Alna Hopyard
Mother and son Patricia Krebs and Mike Barker opened Alna Hopyard and Farm in 2012. It is currently one of the few hop-growing farms in Maine. Alna is near many rural breweries and is only one hour outside of Portland. Alna Hopyard is dedicated to growing and supplying Maine craft brewers with local hops. They have over 2,400 plantings in five different hop varieties: Cascade, Centennial, Willamette, Nugget, and Fuggle.
Interview with Mike Barker of Alna Hopyard
Mike Barker, one of the owners and founders of Alna Hopyard and Farm, discusses the challenges of beginning and sustaining a hopyard in Central Maine. Barker begins by detailing his life prior to owning the hopyard. He had always known that he wanted to start a farm, but wasn’t sure what kind of produce he would grow. He eventually decided on hops. He explains how he chose the fertile soil of the Maine Midcoast to produce hops.
Barker discusses some of the successes and failures of growing hops over the past seven years. It is a slowly growing industry, and Barker was one of the few growing hops commercially in New England. Even today, he struggles with being able to produce enough hops to meet the demand of breweries and homebrewers. He currently sells fresh hops, whole hops, and hop pellets with a focus on the Cascade variety. Barker explains that brewers in Maine might be hesitant to adopt a more experimental product like his, but he is grateful for the breweries that have taken this leap of faith. Barker predicts slow but promising growth for the hops industry in Maine. His goal for the future is being a part of a self-sustaining beer market in Maine where everything is grown locally.
The interview was conducted by Torsten Brinkema and Emily Nyman in October 2019.
Corrections from Mike Barker:
Phoenix Hopyard up in Bethel *might* actually still be in existence. Rob Raymond (not Rick) is the totally awesome Hop Farmer whose name I was trying to think of.
re: Maine not having a full service Pelletizer Facility. I totally spaced on this–Aroostook Hops does have a currently operating Pelletizer, and they have graciously offered their services to other hopyards. Hop Farmers who are ramping up should check this opportunity out, and give them a call!
In the interview I really meant to mention Footbridge Brewery (in Boothbay Harbor). I wanted to tell everyone that they are amazing: totally committed to using local ingredients, and they kick total ass. Anyway, I guess I had a mini-stroke and just kinda blew it by forgetting.
My apologies to anyone else who I didn’t get to mention – Alna Hopyard is Very Thankful to have been on the path with all of you!