Robert Newton
Auburn, 1884-1893
Newton brewed beer in Auburn for just under a decade. He started out at 39 First Street in 1884, but by 1887 he had moved his operation to 7 Third Street. Before jumping into the brewing game, he was listed as a laborer. By 1893, it appears that Newton had given up brewing entirely, becoming a watchman.
Newton was born in England, around 1844; it is unclear when he emigrated to the United States. He was married to Emma Newton and as of the 1880 census, the couple had no children.
Robert Newton brewed in Auburn, first from ca. 1884 to 1887 at 39 First Street, and then at 7 Third Street until roughly 1893. (George N. Colby & Co., 1885, David Rumsey Map Collection).
Locations are true to 19th-century street addresses, not current numbering.
Will Anderson, The Great State of Maine Beer Book (Portland: Anderson & Sons’ Publishing Co., 1996) 11.
Lewiston and Auburn City Directory, 1876, 1880, 1885, 1887, 1893
U.S. Census, 1880